The Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants

Led by Magneto, these are all of the founding members of The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants: Magneto, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Toad and Mastermind. My own take on a first appearance set.

According to magneto, Mutants are the next stage of human Evolution and it is only a matter of time before ordinary humans hunt them down like dogs in order to prevent their own extinction, so he will make the first move.

Leader of The Brotherhood. Once, the Best Friend of Professor Charles Xavier and, perhaps, he still is.

As Beautiful as she is deadly.

Does he look Devilishly handsome to you? Beware...your mind may be playing tricks on you, or perhaps you are under the spell of...The Mastermind!!!

Faster than a speeding bullet? That was Quicksilver when he was, like, five.

Last, and in most ways certainly not least, the almost always Loyal...TOAD!!!! He would follow Magneto to the Ends of the Earth...but if the ends of the Earth proved too sketchy he might just run away, but you can't help but Love him anyway, and he always comes back.

May Humanity tremble before...THE BROTHERHOOD OF EVIL MUTANTS!!!!!

This is my Second take on a 1st appearance Scarlet Witch.